More exploring on day 2.... And then a LOOOONG hour and a half wait in line......
and then a 27 second elevator ride to the bottom of the falls.....
and then a phenomenal walk up to 5 platforms to see the falls from DIRECTLY underneath!!

Then we started getting WET!!!

And Wetter.....

And Wetter...

And Wetter....

And finally we summited the HURRICANE DECK!


It truly feels like you are in a HURRICANE!!

It was WAY PAST FUN !!!

It was a BLAST!!!

Little boys should not be allowed to have this much fun in any given day.

This Picture says it all.

We enjoyed touring the rest of the park on the Trolley system and went back to the motel POOPED.

With dinner at the poolside at the motel  we are ready for a rest and another adventure day on Friday tomorrow.

 We Began Friday...  looking out the window at this!!!  Delayed any sight seeing until Saturday morning.

Instead... we read a good portion of the day and then went to go see DESPICABLE ME!!!!

What a funny movie.  LOL !!!

Saturday (tomorrow) on to CANADA.